Partner Portal


Batman and Robin. Holmes and Watson.
You and ModSquad.

ModSquad works to build lasting relationships with select industry leaders so we can offer our clients (and yours) the best solutions to engage and manage customers. Holy cow, Batman! Plus, ModSquad has the unique ability to continually improve customer operations over time. This enables us to work closely with both our clients and partners to achieve more value together than we can alone. Really, it’s rather elementary, my dear Watson!

Become a Partner

Some amazing things can happen when the right people come together. ModSquad's partnership program has multiple ways for us to join forces. Our customers deserve heroes, right?

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Current Partners

Already one half of a ModSquad Dynamic Duo? Do you have an opportunity that we can help with? Modsquad is looking forward to teaming up with you to win the day!

Let's Get Started

Not yet a partner, but have an opportunity for ModSquad to explore? Visit our Mod Informant page, where introductions can lead to rewards.

Partner Success Stories

Learn more about how ModSquad has worked with our partners to deliver high-quality client engagements.

ModSquad and Zendesk

Customer Stories:

Featured Partners

Partner Props

“ModSquad is the exception that proves the rule. In terms of the quality of engagement and technical competency, ModSquad raises the bar.”

— Benjamin Collet
Director of Customer Advocacy, Zendesk

“ModSquad’s Mods continually set the standard in providing top-tier customer service.”

— Julian Johns
Vice President, EMEA, Conversocial